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blog large image - Why You Should Be Looking For A Subaru Forester For Sale

Why You Should Be Looking For A Subaru Forester For Sale

Reports suggest that the Subaru Forester has become hugely popular in Canberra as it has in the rest of Australia, and not without a reason. There are several reasons people are raving about  Subaru cars in Canberra & beyond.

Subaru Forester (Midsize / Medium SUV) recently scored 4.1 out of 5 stars from 330 genuine reviews on Australia's largest opinion site So why is it such a high scoring medium SUV? 

Let us get into some technical nitty-gritty:

It has a Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive

According to Shaun the head of service here at Subaru Canberra, one of the top reasons behind the popularity of Subaru is the symmetrical all-wheel-drive system. In the case of the Subaru Forester, this technology comes in handy to provide enough grip for the driver, more so while driving steep uphills or along a beaten path.

It comes with a spacious cabin and user-friendly state of the art technology

The Subaru Forester has enough room for 5 passengers and has a dashboard layout that is pretty easy to use. People looking to purchase a new car would like Subaru Forester due to the string of value-added features that include an entertainment system which is responsive and stylishly laid out. Every moment needs its soundtrack. So, Subaru have integrated Apple CarPlay® and Android Auto™* connectivity into the Subaru Forester, all on a big, responsive touchscreen. Voice commands let you effortlessly choose playlists, play podcasts, get directions, or read and send texts. Or leave the song selection to someone else with the crystal-clear, fully integrated Digital Radio so every road trip rocks. Its rear seats can easily be folded with the touch of a button, and in case someone wants to access the roof area, there are rear step panels to stand on.  

Better mileage & easier controls:

Subaru Forester comes with a 2.5 litre, 4-cylinder engine, capable of giving 26 mpg within the city, as 33 mpg on the highways. Making it even more special, the Subaru Forester features a push button start, plus it has reverse Automatic braking to detect trouble that you may not see coming. And to top it all off, EyeSight Driver Assist acts as a second set of eyes on the road. So, almost all that the driver needs to do is control the steering. 

These are some of the features that make the Subaru Forester a great option! 

Check out the latest model Subaru Forester, click here or if you want to find out more about the Subaru Impreza, WRX, Outback, BRZ, (new or used cars in Canberra), check out ALL new vehicles here.

If you prefer to come & see us first, simply search ‘subaru showroom near me’ or pop into our Subaru showroom which is located at 142 Melrose Drive, Phillip. Ph: (02) 62084333.